Fighting for renewable energy
Prof. Yamil Colón leads a team from Notre Dame that works with local organizations to make some homes in Puerto Rico more resilient to power outages in the aftermath of hurricanes.

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering is a force for innovation in health, energy and sustainability.
Won’t you join us? Learn more about programs in chemical engineering at Notre Dame.
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Facilities and Resources
Our research facilities are part of a vibrant and growing Notre Dame research infrastructure. Research and innovation in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering take place in dozens of labs and core facilities, including those with Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering, Stinson-Remick Hall of Engineeering, Nieuwland Hall of Science, and the Multidisciplinary Research Building.

Undergraduate Program
You’ll gain a solid foundation in chemical engineering principles, integrated with modern data science and computational tools and have the flexibility to tailor your education to your interests and academic goals in areas that range from energy to bioengineering.

Graduate Programs
You’ll have opportunities to conduct high-impact, meaningful research, with mentoring and training focused on developing you as an independent scholar and building your network within the engineering community.

Our research leverages deep fundamental insights to develop solutions to problems facing humanity in health, energy, and sustainability.