Stinson-Remick Hall of Engineering

Researcher in Stinson-Remick clean room

The leading-edge technology and tools in Stinson-Remick Hall of Engineering empower students and faculty to fabricate nearly anything — from semiconductor electronic and optoelectronic devices to nanowires and nanotubes, to polymer-based materials, to microfluidic technologies for medical applications to micron-to-nanometer scale mechanical devices.

Clean Room/Nanofabrication Facility

This 9,000-square-foot teaching and research Clean Room/Nanofabrication Facility features powerful, industry-grade tools for design and fabrication of integrated circuits and medical devices with nanometer-sized features. Faculty and students use the Clean Room for experiments with a wide range of materials and processes, including fabricating tiny devices that manipulate electrons to making sensors that move molecules.

Makerspace 3D Print Lab

This is a great resource for the engineers of Notre Dame. Whether you’re printing for assigned class work, an engineering club, or a service project, the Makerspace 3D Print Lab has the tools to make it happen!

McCourtney Student Learning Center

The laboratory/classrooms on the first and second floors of Stinson-Remick are the center of hands-on learning for engineering undergraduates. They feature a unique combination of computer cluster, design studio, laboratory reference center, multimedia presentation area, and study space. All students are welcome in the McCourtney Student Learning Center.

ND Energy

Stinson-Remick Hall of Engineering is home to ND Energy, a University research center creating new energy technologies and systems.